C.H.A.T.A. ANNUAL MEETING - June 11th, 2022
Beebe Bridge Park - 1pm
Officer Elections: Officers whose terms are up for election are…
Larry Majchrzak
Secretary Vacancy
Proxy Tallies and Vote:
Voting must be redone due to a candidate technicality. New proxies will be resent to the members that did not vote in person at the meeting.
Financial Statement:
1. Current Bills: No current bills are due; Insurance is due this fall $3,269.00
2. Current Balance: Contact Treasurer for Current Balances
3. Status of Dues received: 17 out of 116 lots still owe dues
Old Business:
1. Road Work: Placed gravel on 6 of the main intersections needing attention, filled potholes, raked, and maintained the main road from Hwy97 entrance to the Orchard and from top of Big Bench to Orchard.
2. Weed Spraying: Weed spraying is an option for Spring of 2023.
3. Website: Jon Solon will be updating road info on the CHATA website.
New Business:
A lot of discussion about road repair since flash flood washouts. Some suggested a community effort to fill the ditches. Headwalls were a topic to strengthen the ditches/culverts. The use of granite rock from CHATA rock pit a good option for fill and repair.
The following members have volunteered to participate with the current Road Committee:
Patrick Rockwood, Patrick McDonough, James Horan, Josh Horan, and John Powers.
Mowing is scheduled for the end of June.
Also mentioned at the meeting was cutting back brush at the entry around the CHATA sign.
ADJOURN - Meeting adjourned 3:15pm
Notes as taken by Patti Holliday