CHATA President, Larry Majchrzak, hosted a Zoom meeting for the CHATA board members on Saturday, 4/10/21 at 1:00 pm. It was the first Zoom meeting that was attended by more than two BOD members.

In attendance were:

Larry Majchrzak                President                            509-860-1295  

Brian Hirschy                      Vice President                   206-478-1938      

Patti Holiday                       Treasurer                            509-679-8406      

Bruce Habenicht               Secretary                             425-238-9847         

Dennis Freytag was attempting to join the meeting but his meet request was not noticed on the meeting host’s screen.

Dennis Freytag                  Road Commissioner        509-679-1811

First order of business was information from Larry regarding the current balances of the CHATA savings and checking bank accounts.

The savings account is being used for road work until those monies can be recouped from the special assessment proceeds.

The special road assessment vote passed with 46 yes votes and 22 no votes. The quorum of 40 votes or 1/3rd of the membership was required and met.

3 of the yes votes came from the lower section of Chelan Hills Acreage Tracts.

 There was discussion regarding the fact that most of our road maintenance money is being spent on the section of roadway being used by the large orchard business, previously owned by Don Heinicke. The current owner of the orchard has given the Association $500, which was only a small fraction of the cost of the approximately $3500 of work that was done to maintain that portion of road. It was discussed that if we just stopped maintaining that section of road, the orchardist would be forced to spend his own money to maintain the road. Alternatively, Brian and Larry will work out a way to establish a better relationship with the orchardist in order to have him give the association more money in the future, (hopefully 50%), to defray the cost of maintenance. It is noted that at least he is bussing his workers in, instead of them each bringing their own vehicles on the road. That section of roadway was estimated to be approximately 1 mile from the end of the pavement at the entrance off highway 97 to the entrance of the orchard.

 The question was raised if there is any long term plan to eventually pave that section of roadway to reduce the ongoing costs required to maintain it. Chip seal was discussed as an option but with smoother roads, speeds of vehicles increase, causing more wear and tear, which would, in turn, require more maintenance.

 Dragging the roads after a rain was discussed as a way to cut grading costs. Apparently it works fairly well on other roads not in our Association. Larry commented that, his experience has been that the drag rig gets broken often and has to be fixed and no one wants use it or is typically available to use it after a rain. Patti knows a person selling a cattle guard framework that can be used for dragging the roads. Patti will find out how much he wants for it. Bruce asked if a four wheel drive pickup could pull the rig and Patti said she has a Dodge Ram 2500 that would be capable of pulling it.

It is unknown if Marion Sztab is available for grading or if he still has his grader. Will Poppy was mentioned as a very good grader operator and that Dennis will talk with Will concerning grading.

 It is unknown if we can get gravel from the pit for the roads because we don’t know if Marion currently has a dump truck to haul it. Companies like Chelan Sand & Gravel want us to buy the gravel from them if they are going to apply it to CHATA roads.

There was discussion concerning a water tank on lot #27 is pretty rusted out. There is another half of the tank, in good shape that has been sitting for 10 years and that we should approach the owner to see if he will give it to us to replace the rusted out tank.

Our next Zoom meeting of the board is scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of May, 2021, which is the 8th at 1:00pm. Larry will host again and email meeting access passwords/links to the rest of the board.Our Annual CHATA meeting notice for the membership needs to be mailed out no later than May 12th, 2021.

 Larry stated that there are currently two CHATA lots sold. Lot 69 – Shardleman and Lot 55 – O’Brien