C.H.A.T.A. ANNUAL MEETING June 12th, 2021 minutes
Beebe Bridge Park
1pm Meeting started at 1:04pm
Board members present at meeting:
Brian Hirschy, Patti Holliday, Larry Majchrzak, Bruce Habenicht, Dennis Freytag
Brian Hirschy primarily presided with assistance from Larry Majchrzak.
Minutes were taken by Bruce Habenicht
Sign in sheet was passed around and 38 CHATA members/lots were present at meeting – A quorum of 44 was reached with those present and 32 proxy votes sent in.
Officer Elections:
Officers up for re-election:
Brian Hirschy: Elected for another term 15 hands, 15 proxy votes
Patti Holliday: Elected for another term 14 hands, 16 proxy votes
Officers newly elected:
Story Burke: Replaced Dennis Freytag who voluntarily resigned had 26 hand votes
Other voting:
A vote was taken for the lower 19 lots of CHATA, accessed on their own road from the main highway, to be released from CHATA membership and to have all maintenance on the roads serving those properties be paid for by the owners of those lots. The proposal passed. 35 yes hand votes, 15 yes proxy votes.
The affected lots are: B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, 1-PV, 2-PV, 3-PV, 4-PV, 111-PV, 11A-PV, 111B-PV, 105-3rd Add, 106-3rd Add, 107-3rd Add, 108-3rd Add, 109-3rd Add, 109-1-3rd Add, 109-2-3rd Add &109-3-3rd Add
Affected lot owners in attendance at the meeting were verbally informed that they must legally remove their properties from CHATA, and record said removal with Douglas County. Until that is done, the properties are still subject to CHATA rules and dues. Written notification of this requirement will be sent to the affected lot owners.
Financial Statement:
All bills are paid but we are waiting for a grading bill and an insurance bill
Current Balance: Contact Treasure for information
Status of Dues received: Full dues from 76 Lots received, 45 owe for special assessment (SA), 4 behind 2 years and SA, 1 Lot has a lien and 1 Lot close to having a lien filed. There were 5 Lots unpaid last year.
Old Business:
1. Road Work: Road Commissioner, Dennis Freytag reported on the work being done. Will Poppy, the grader operator that the grading on the roads last year, blew the head gasket and maybe the injector seals out in his grader, part way into the job. He did not finish High Corner NW, which needed widening and did not finish Heidi Lane to Dennis’s house which needed it and needs gravel. He said he may be able to come back later and finish if we get rain. It will be up to the new Road Commissioner to get this work completed. We do not know where we are as far as billing and gravel work still needing to be done. The board should be getting a bill soon for the work that was done. We feel that the grader operator did a poor job this year compared to last year.
2. The spring filled upper water tank is missing. It is believed that half of the 700-gallon tank is on John Powers property and that it belongs to the association. It was suggested that we check if there might be a donated or free tank available online?
3. Website: The meeting minutes are posted on the website and contact information for the Board Members. The website address is www.chelanhills.com
New Business:
It was requested that the proxy votes be scanned and uploaded into the CHATA website for the membership to be able to view. Board member Larry Majchrzak has agreed to do that.
It was suggested that the loss of dues from the 19 lower lots being removed from CHATA, be compensated for by an increase of dues from the remaining lots, but some members objected that until we have a 5 year projected budget laid out for annual costs, inflation, emergency reserves, etc., they felt that was premature. Some members also requested a budget be included in the next CHATA annual meeting.
With the current road commissioner resigning, the membership attending was asked if any would like to form a road committee to help the road commissioner, as the position requires a formidable amount of time and effort. Two members volunteered: Patrick McDonough Lot 94 and Pat Bateman Lots 66 & 67.
The burnt trees along the roadsides were brought up as safety hazards or wind fall road blockers. Several have been cut up and removed but some still remain on absentee owner properties. It was suggested that the lot owners be contacted to take care of those, or permission gotten from the owners to remove the hazards. Some may be on CHATA road easements.
It was again suggested, but not proposed or voted on, that we bring the roads up to County Standards ¼ mile per year and then turn them over to the County to maintain.
The CHATA documents will be up for renewal at the 2023 meeting? It was requested that notice be sent before the annual meeting so that the membership has time to prepare any suggestions or proposals.
ADJOURN: at 2:05pm
Meeting Minutes-Zoom Meeting
CHATA Board Meeting
August 7th, 2021
Meeting started 12:00 PM
Attendees: Larry, Story, Patti, Brian, John Horlebein
Absent: Bruce
Annual Meeting minutes were approved by Larry and second by Story.
Finances-Larry shared the Savings and Checking totals and the books can be reviewed at any scheduled Board meeting or Annual meeting.
Election of Officers-Board made new assignments of board members as follows;
V President-Patti
Road Commissioner-Story
Dues and Assessments-There are 9 lots still owing dues and 29 still owing assessments.
Bills-received the first 2 bills from Will Poppy for road work, $7058 and $5109. One more bill not received yet for road work. Mowing expense was $1314.63. Have Insurance bills due soon which total approx. $3269.00
Roads-County Engineer is going to be working with Story to assess what would need to be done to get CHATA roads to county standards. Looking into Chip Sealing from pavement to the corner at Orchard. Larry will check with Brandon about helping to maintain that portion of the road. Story looking into County Agricultural Grant. John to get pricing on a road drag (Cattle Guard).
Signs-The Map signs will $350 each, one will be place at entrance gate, one at back gate and one at top of Salt Block. Larry to contact Sheri Dietrich. Look into possibility of signs being placed by Boy Scout Troop.
Treasurer Position-Larry has committed to be Treasurer for one more year. Need to canvas for a new treasurer and begin transition prior to Larry’s departure. Thank you, Larry, for all you have done the past 20 years on the Board!
Water Barrell-Discussion around whether we repair the existing tank, find a replacement tank or also possibility of a Fire Prevention Grant through the Department of Natural Resources.
Pot Holes-There are several pot holes down at bottom by paved area, Story to see if we can get Stockman Concrete to do repairs.
Lower Lot Owners-Progress is being made to Separate the Lower lots from the CHATA Association. Motion was passed in the Annual meeting to Exclude them from the Association. It will be up to the Lower Lot Owners to do all of the necessary documentation to make this Official and be removed from CHATA Association.
Larry made motion to adjourn meeting and Story Second it at 1:44pm
Minutes were recorded by Brian Hirschy
Meeting Minutes-Zoom Meeting
CHATA Board Meeting
November 20th, 2021
Meeting started 6:00 PM
Attendees: Larry, Brian, Bruce
Absent: Patti, Story
Previous Meeting minutes were approved by Bruce and seconded by Larry.
Current Bills: All bills are currently paid up to date.
In the near future, there will be costs for stamps and envelopes for an annual dues mailing to be sent out by Dec 1st.
Finances: Larry shared the Savings and Checking totals and the books can be reviewed at any scheduled Board meeting or Annual meeting or contact Larry.
Dues and Assessments: Out of 117 total owners in CHATA, there are 7 lots still owing dues and 24 still owing assessments.
Roads: Will Poppy graded most of the roads from the end of the pavement off Highway 97 to the loop until his grader broke down. Because the ground was fairly dry at the time, the additional use of a water truck and roller did not give the desired results. It was decided that this watering/rolling procedure was not worth the cost of it and will not be done again in the future. Larry stated that raking the roads is more efficient and effective than dragging them with a cattle guard, however the soil must be damp/wet from rains to be effective and prevent fires from sparks. Spring and Fall are the best times, during the rainy seasons. Some recent torrential rains have washed across the road near the bottom but damage was minor. Brian suggested getting Will Poppy or Todd Corrigan scheduled for grading now for the spring so they would be available for us sooner when the ground still has moisture in it.
Spraying for Weeds: There was no weed spraying done this year. In the future, it was suggested by Larry that one of us ride along in the spray rig in early Spring to make sure the weed spray is applied where needed.
Signs: One Map sign was purchased for $350, it will be place at the entrance gate and another will be purchased and placed at the top of the hill initially. The installation will occur in Spring 2022. The location of the third sign was to be at the back entrance but still is tentative.
Garbage Dumping: Larry noted that some property owners are putting their garbage and recycle in other owners private garbage cans. There will be a note put in the dues letter and on the CHATA web site to address this problem.
Firearms: Bruce brought up that there were firearms being brought to the annual CHATA membership meeting and members were concerned about it. After researching the PUD’s policy on firearms, (Chelan PUD Park; Regulations and Rules; Sec 9; Firearms or Weapons), it was determined that the PUD has the same policies as the State of Washington statutes concerning firearms in their parks. (They are not allowed)
Larry made motion to adjourn meeting and Bruce seconded it at 7:15pm
Minutes were recorded by Bruce Habenicht
The CHATA Board
Brian Hirschy Patti Holiday Story Burke Larry Majchrzak Bruce Habenicht
President Vice President Road Comm. Treasurer Secretary
206-478-1938 509-679-8406 509-690-4948 509-860-1295 425-238-9847
bhirsac@msn.com patti747@gmail.com storyb11@gmail.com skydog@chelanflyers.com bruce.habenicht@comcast.net