CHATA President, Brian Hirschy, hosted a Zoom meeting for the CHATA board members on Saturday, 4/9/2 at 7:00 pm.
In attendance were:
Brian Hirschy President 206-478-1938
Patti Holiday Vice President 509-679-8406
Larry Majchrzak Treasurer 509-860-1295
Bruce Habenicht Secretary 425-238-9847
Story Burke Road Commissioner 509-690-4948
Dulce Negrete Potential New BOD
Not in attendance:
First order of business was reviewing and approving the minutes from the previous CHATA BOD meeting, which was done.
Upcoming CHATA board positions changes were discussed next.
Bruce Habenicht will be resigning the Secretary position as he will be selling his property shortly, (Lot 1).
Dulce Negrete has expressed interest in becoming a new board member.
Larry Majchrzak, who was going to resign in June, has decided to temporarily stay on until the August to September time frame in order to effectively pass on the responsibilities and Excel procedures/training for the Treasurer position.
Larry then reported on the current balances of the CHATA savings and checking bank accounts.
Yet to be paid this year are liability and D&O insurances.
There are currently 116 owners/members in CHATA. Of those, 34 members have not yet paid their annual dues and 3 are owing previous year(s) dues as well. (2 owing 3+ years dues and both are currently in foreclosure). Liens on properties was discussed whether to be filed at 2 or 3 years of unpaid dues. With liens filed against the properties, back dues, lien filing fees and interest would be withheld from any sale proceeds when the property is sold. Lien filing fees are $110 each and lien removal fees are $99.
About 15% of owners have not paid the special road assessment from last year. The special road assessment vote last June passed with 46 yes votes and 22 no votes.
Larry has been maintaining the CHATA website with the help of Jon Solon.
A recent road assessment/inspection by Story and others resulted in a consensus that the 6, or so, intersections and area at the end of the pavement off the highway need gravel as the original bigger rocks in the roadbeds are becoming exposed.
Because there will be moisture in the ground with the April/May rains, it was agreed that this coming few weeks would be a good time to add 1 ½” crushed rock to those intersections as it would stay put with the moisture and traffic working it down into the roadbeds.
Tunnel Hill or Chelan Sand & Gravel will most likely be the rock supplier for these repairs and it is estimated to require 3 - 5 ten yard truckloads to cover the damaged areas. It was also suggested that perhaps Dennis Freytag or Marion Sztab could blade it smooth with a small grader or bucket loader. The board approved $3500 for gravel and spreading it which Story will price out and order. Larry will approach Dennis and/or Marion for spreading and smoothing the gravel and coordinating the work between gravel delivery and grading.
After the discussion, Story made a motion that we put down rock/gravel on those areas that need it. It was seconded and the other attending board members agreed.
The Zoom meeting ended and was adjourned at 7:45pm.
CHATA special election road meeting minutes
Called to order at 1:20pm on October 23rd 2022
Agenda overview
Introductions of board members
Introduction of present nominees
Counting of in person voters
Counting of mailed in ballots
Elected officials:
Patrick McDonough and Josh Horan
Treasures balance
Good of the order- questions and comments
Adjourn @1:58
Patrick and Josh we have two positions open (secretary and Vice President) at this time which position do you feel best suited for? This will help us vote you each into the positions.
Side notes: it was mentioned that a gate should be installed to enforce owner and guest only use of CHATA roads. I think this is a great idea and should be pursued for quotes to see if a reasonable gate system could be acquired and pricing brought to membership for a vote at our annual meeting. I’d like to motion that we pursue quoting solar gate systems with key card and/or key pad access in order to present this at our next all member meeting for a vote to purchase the best system for the moneys.
Another topic that was brought up was the fact the meeting minutes from the prior meeting have not been uploaded to the website. I believe we voted to approve the amendments previously and they should have been uploaded. Larry is this a secretary task? Maybe that’s why it was missed as I was helping fill in that position for the time being and am not sure what was needed if so.
Also, it was determined we should proceed with Vance’s small claims/lien. Larry do you mind going thru that process? If you don’t mind and could also document the process for future board members to proceed if another owner comes into a similar situation that would be helpful documentation to record.
Thank you all for you time yesterday! I look forward to working with you all.