Welcome to the Chelan Hills Acreage Tracts Association website. Browse the pages for documents regarding almost every aspect of membership in our association. We strive to be efficient stewards of our resources, and invite your comments and suggestions to improve our acreage and maintain high property values.
Private Garbage cans at Entrance - There have been several complaints about CHATA owners using their garbage and recycle cans without permission. These owners pay for these cans and DO NOT want anyone else using them. When you visit your property, please use the camping method “PACK IT IN AND PACK IT OUT”.
Please drive slow on our roadway - the speed limit on CHATA roadways is 15 MPH.
Summer brings very dry conditions and risk for fire at Farnham Canyon - please be careful.
C.H.A.T.A. · P.O. Box 2135 · Chelan, WA 98816